Studia Lednickie, tom XVII (2018)

Studia Lednickie

tom XVII (2018)

Poland–Ukraine: a thousand years of reciprocity. The Kyivan Princess Dobroniega-Maria, wife of Kazimierz the Restorer: a new hypothesis of her pedigree // Polska–Ukraina: tysiąc lat wzajemnych stosunków. Dobroniega Mariaksiężniczka kijowska, żona Kazimierza Odnowiciela: nowa hipoteza dotycząca jej pochodzenia

tom XVII (2018)

This paper outlines the peculiarities of the genealogy of the Kyivan Rus (Ruthenian) princess Dobroniega-Maria (ca 1015/17–1087), wife of the Polish duke Kazimierz I the Restorer (1016–1058). It reviews the existing theories of Maria’s origin and propounds a new hypothesis of her genealogy as well as considers the circumstances of the dynastic marriage between Maria and Kazimierz I. The genealogical reconstruction represented in the article adduces arguments in favour of the origin of Dobroniega-Maria being connected with Bulgarian, Byzantine, German, English and Ruthenian ancestry.
Olena Yasynetska
(St. Sophia of Kyiv National Conservation Area)
Dzieło człowieka pod opieką Boga. Wiatrak z Gryżyny: najstarszy zachowany młyn wietrzny w Polsce i jego symboliczne przesłanie. Wprowadzenie do szerszych rozważań // Human artifact under God’s protection. A windmill from Gryżyna: the oldest remaining windmill in Poland and its symbolic message. An introduction to broader refl ections

tom XVII (2018)

This article is a synthetic analysis which concerns verification of the chronology of a post mill (‘koźlak’), which was moved from the Gryżyna locality to the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica. A more thorough analysis of its chronology on the basis of dendrochronological and historic research is presented. The analysis of a Latin inscription, which was placed on the oaken crown tree of this post mill together with a broad analysis of the windmills’ symbolism and the message which stems from the inscription, is also described.
Andrzej M. Wyrwa
(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu)
Zabawy, gry i sporty tradycyjne. Potencjał i możliwości ich wykorzystania w działalności muzealnej // Traditional plays, games and sports. Their potential and the possibilities of using them in museum activities

tom XVII (2018)

This paper deals with the subject of traditional sports and games (in international literature also called TSG) and the possibility of using them in the contemporary museums’ activities. The author describes and indicates the contemporary, cultural significance of these particular forms of physical culture. Then, he claims that traditional games and sports can be a significant and interesting element of the current museum’s activities. To prove it, he describes the examples of the museum institutions, putting into practice the initiatives related to TSG and the selected forms of their activities within the frame of their development. Special attention is paid to one, particular institution: the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica in Poland.
Bartosz Prabucki
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Zobaczyć niewidzialne. Program dla osób z dysfunkcją wzroku realizowany na Ostrowie Lednickim // To see the invisible. A programme for visually impaired people conducted at Ostrów Lednicki

tom XVII (2018)

Abstrakt The article describes the problems which visually impaired people experience when they wish to participate in culture. The author points out that it is necessary to consider the needs of these people in the context of museums.
Mariola Olejniczak
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Materiały z epoki kamienia z Ostrowa Lednickiego i jego najbliższej okolicy // Materials from the Stone Age from Ostrów Lednicki and its immediate surroundings

tom XVII (2018)

The article describes the results of the analysis of 329 flint artifacts, three stone tools and nine pieces of Neolithic pottery, which were obtained in the course of over 60 years of research in Ostrów Lednicki and on burial ground in Dziekanowice. The island on Lednica Lake was already penetrated in the Late Paleolithic by Swiderian communities. A slightly richer collection of artifacts comes from the Mesolithic of the island’s settlement. Early Band Pottery communities and Funnel Beaker culture were also involved in this area.
Iwona Sobkowiak-Tabaka
(Polska Akademia Nauk)
Medieval glass vessels from the necropolis’s excavations of the XI–XIII cents. on the territory of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv: restoration research // Średniowieczne naczynia szklane odkryte na cmentarzu z XI–XIII wiekuna terenie katedry św. Zofi i w Kijowie: badania konserwatorskie

tom XVII (2018)

The article highlights the results of the restoration research into the five glass goblets which were found in burial sites during the archaeological excavations on the territory of the National Museum “Sophia of Kyiv” in 2014. The composition of the glass conical beakers has been analyzed and their complete form has been restored and an interpretation of the archaeological context of the glass objects has been proposed.
Viacheslav Korniienko
(St. Sophia of Kyiv National Conservation Area), Maksym Strykhar
(St. Sophia of Kyiv National Conservation Area)
Średniowieczna wiersza z rejonu mostu zachodniego na Ostrowie Lednickim // Medieval wicker fi sh trap (‘wiersza’) from the area of the west bridge in Ostrów Lednicki

tom XVII (2018)

In the 2015 season, the underwater research in Lake Lednica focused on further exploration of the exploration plots of the Poznań bridge. In the course of this research a wicker object in a radiating out shape was localised. During examination of the object and its cleaning after excavation, a great number of animal bone remains were collected and analysed. They almost exclusively came from fishes. In the bone material the remains of several fishes were found: a catfish, eight perch, a pike and fishes of the Cyprinidae family, including at least two roach, as well as three remains of a pig. Radiocarbon dating of the organic material which the object was made of indicates that it was placed after the bridge was no longer in use, probably in the late 12th or the early 13th century.
Anna Gręzak
(Uniwersytet Warszawski), Urszula Iwaszczuk
(Uniwersytet Warszawski), Andrzej Pydyn
(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu), Mateusz Popek
(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu), Krzysztof Radka
Przeprawa mostowa na wyspę Ledniczka. Wstępne wyniki badań // Bridge crossing to Ledniczka island. Preliminary research results

tom XVII (2018)

Advanced noninvasive research carried out as part of “The cradle of the Piasts: archaeological underwater prospections in the area of Lednickie Lake” (“Kolebka Piastów: archeologiczne prospekcje podwodne w rejonie Jeziora Lednickiego”) project, provided a new collection of artefacts and archaeological sites. The article describes preliminary research results concerning the bridge crossing between Ledniczka island and the mainland, which was discovered in 2017. It describes all the stages of the project and the context in which the bridge was discovered. It contains a detailed description of the bridge construction and artifacts, highlighting the metal and wooden objects. Additionally it briefly mentions the oral tradition concerning bridge to Ledniczka. The first mentions about potential bridges come from 1876 from M. Sokołow-ski’s publications. The presented construction analysis and initial C14 dating, as well as dendrochronological dating, suggest that there could be two bridge crossings with different chronology in this place.
Andrzej Pydyn
(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu), Mateusz Popek
(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu), Daria Dębicka
(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu), Krzysztof Radka
(Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w To
Rozpoznawcze badania archeologiczne na stan. 16 w Powidzu, gm. loco z 2017 roku // Archaeological reconnaissance surveys on site 16 in Powidz, Powidz commune from 2017

tom XVII (2018)

Since at least the 13th century, Powidz has functioned as an important though small urban centre. The fact that it was located at the intersection of the trade routes and at a water reservoir, were essential factors which influenced the development of the town. Archaeological and environmental surveys conducted in 2017 throw light on the modern stage of the development of the centre and point to the turbulent changes which occurred in the last decades. As a result, stratigraphic layers with significant thickness developed but it was difficult to determine their chronology unambiguously.
Andrzej Pydyn, Magdalena Kozicka, Jan Wiejacki, Mateusz Magalski, Dominika Kofel
Analiza dendrochronologiczna drewna wiatraka z Gryżyny // Dendrochronological analysis of wood from a windmill from Gryżyna

tom XVII (2018)

Tomasz Ważny
(University of Arizona)
Analiza dendrochronologiczna drewnianego spichlerza z Majkowa // Dendrochronological analysis of a wooden granary from Majkowo

tom XVII (2018)

Tomasz Ważny
(University of Arizona)
Z nowych nabytków Wielkopolskiego Parku Etnografi cznego w Dziekanowicach: kolekcja Stanisława Pasiciela // From the new acquisitions of the Wielkopolska Ethnographic Park in Dziekanowice: Stanisław Pasiciel collection

tom XVII (2018)

Marta Romanow-Kujawa
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Profesor Tomasz Jasiński laureatem 10. edycji Nagrody Lednickiego Orła Piastowskiego // Professor Tomasz Jasiński. The laureate of the 10th edition of the Lednica Piast Eagle Award

tom XVII (2018)

Andrzej M. Wyrwa
(Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu)
Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy w gronie laureatów konkursów Sybilla 2017 i Izabella 2017 // The Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica among the Sybil 2017 and Izabella 2017 laureates

tom XVII (2018)

Andrzej Kowalczyk
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Współpraca Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy z Narodowym Rezerwatem „Sofia Kijowska” // The cooperation between the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica and the St. Sophia of Kyiv National Conservation Area

tom XVII (2018)

Andrzej Kowalczyk
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)
Współpraca Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy z Międzynarodowym Centrum Archeologii Podwodnej w Zadarze // The cooperation between the Museum of the First Piasts at Lednica and the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar

tom XVII (2018)

Paweł Sankiewicz
(Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy)